Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I want S'more.

Since this blog post is supposed to be a free post, I decided to write on one of the previously posts I missed. Whenever we read about the Fluffernutter sandwich, we were assigned to write about one of our guilty food pleasures.

            There are so many different kinds of food that I love. For one, I love any kind of Asian food. Sushi is by far my favorite food, and I also love Chinese food. To me, Mexican food comes up just after Asian-inspired food. I love anything spicy, so burritos, tacos, and enchiladas are a normal craving for me.  In fact, I think that I like international food better than “American food.” I would much rather have a plate of pasta, a roll of sushi, or a pork burrito than have a hamburger and French fries.

            Although those kinds of food are my favorite, I don’t really consider those to be “guilty pleasures.” To me, a guilty pleasure is an indulgence.  Certainly the food I just mentioned could be considered as indulging, but I would eat them for a meal. In my mind, a guilty pleasure is something that you do not actually need, but want and crave.

            For me, my guilty pleasure would have to me S’mores. I LOVE S’mores. My favorite kind of S’more is of course the kind made over a bonfire. Unlike most people, I love burning the marshmallow. I would much rather have a black, crusty marshmallow than a lightly-toasted golden-brown one. The smokey fire-y taste of the marshmallow mixed with Hershey’s chocolate is the perfect combination for anyone.

            For the winter months, when I am not able to have a bonfire, I resort to my microwave.  Microwaved marshmallows aren’t nearly as good as fire-roasted ones, but they still do the trick and satisfy my craving. Whenever I was little, one of my favorite things to do when making S’mores in the microwave was watching the marshmallow almost explode.

            If I could have a S’more every single day, I would. 

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